Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Move Sharepoint to 64 bit server

Scenario: A Sharepoint stand-alone (Basic Install with SQL Express) environment needs to be moved from a 32 bit server to a 64 bit server. The orignal installation is done from a Swedish installer while the new installation is done from a english installation.

This is what worked for me:

  1. Install Win Server 2003 64 bit.  I had to use a Dell CD to manage to install on the RAID setup.
  2. Install MOSS 2007 English from CD (Install from a downloaded copy did not work, the config wzard hung)
    1. Choose basic installation
    2. Run the config wizard
    3. Download language pack (.img opens with WinRAR)
    4. Install language pack (make sure it is the right one, swedish, 64 bit, moss 2007 etc.)
    5. Run the config wizard again
  3. Run Microsoft Update. Make sure to get the latest SP updates. At least newer than the environmnet your moving from.
  4. Delete the site collection via Central Adminstration and create a new one with the right language pack. Use the same template as the site you want to move.
    1. You can check what template was used by creating a aspx site. Google “determine site template”
  5. In my case the site template used was now deprecated. My solution was to create a custom site template, upload it to the created site and create is as an subsite. However, I got “File not found”-error on the new site.
  6. At this point, i used STSADM to make a backup of the original site
  7. Restored the backup to the faulting subsite using STSADM
  8. Voila, an exact copy was now up and running on the new server!
    1. It did bring up a login dialog when browsing on the local server, but not browsing from a arbitrary client (or other server).
  9. Added a hostname “temp” and created a DNS A record “” pointing to the IP adress of the new server.